Karnataka polls: Development over politics for BJP, says Modi via NaMo app


In the run-up to the Karnataka Assembly election on May 12, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday interacted with the Bharatiya janata Party (BJP) candidates, office bearers, elected representatives and party workers in the poll-bound state through the NaMo app. PM Modi, during the interaction, encouraged those engaged in the Assembly poll campaign in Karnataka and also provided guidance to senior party leaders, MPs, and MLAs.

Meanwhile, Modi expressed his deepest condolences to the victimes of the deadly school van-train collision that took place early this morning in Kushinagar, Uttar Pradesh. PM Modi ensured that the Uttar Pradesh government and railway department would take appropriate action.

As the Prime Minister began speaking, he fostered the three-pronged agendas of BJP — development, fast-paced development and all-round development. Modi also raised the issue of caste and religion-based politics, as he said: “Development is not an issue for those who dwell on caste-based politics; they give a lollipop of fake promises to a particular community and then do same with another community in next elections. If you analyse last few elections, you will realise how few political parties have indulged only in dividing societies on religious lines. They exploit emotions of some community before elections and forget them after the elections”, reported ANI.

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